Key Change
“For you will not go out in haste, nor will you go as fugitives; for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.” (Isaiah 52:12, NASB) It’s a day made for music. An overnight high front arrived on gusty wings, blowing away the unwelcome...

Alzheimer’s and Falling Leaves
My mom fell last week. Julie, my sister, her caregiver, found her resting on the floor working her word searches. According to mom she took a tumble and, finding herself unable to get up, grabbed pillows and puzzles and made herself comfortable. She didn’t appear to...
Notes Made Far from Home, Part Two
And just like that, we were on a float plane traveling from Whitehorse, the largest chunk of civilization in the Canadian Yukon, starting a 175-mile flight into a wilderness adventure. Since we only hold a minute long enough to rescue it from waste, alongside my basic...
Notes Made Far From Home, Part One
So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please Him. 2 Corinthians 5:9 (ESV) I’ve always planned with meticulous detail and over-packed for trips regardless of the duration and distance from home. Molly tells me it’s part of having the “6” wing...
Even If: A Legacy of Faith
Legacy. We throw the word out at funerals and in discussions in the aftermath of death. We rush to make a judgment and in doing so rob ourselves of perspective to measure the impact of a life. “A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share...
The Human Response
The following is a guest post by Molly Hanberry There have been a few instances where I’ve listened to music by my favorite artists and been let down. I’d dismiss the disappointment as unreasonably high expectations on my part or an experiment gone wrong on the part...
08.04.2018 update
I'm posting the first of two "updates" from the medical update portion of Leaf by Leaf. After that I'll be sharing exclusively from my blog page (a distinction without a real difference for how things will pop up). When we created Leaf by Leaf, the intent was to blog...
07.31.2018 update
07/31/2018. We'll remember this date as the day Maggie went to her eternal HOME. Her final hours were peaceful, quiet, and sweet. Our prayers were answered. We held her hand and walked with her to the point we were allowed. What a sacred moment we shared as she...
07.29.2018 update
The update I hoped to never write... Maggie started a rapid decline early in the week to the point we had our primary care doctor call hospice for us. The hospice nurse made her initial visit last night to start providing care to keep Maggie comfortable. We are at...
07.24.2018 update
Maggie did not get admitted for chemo this week by her own choice. She has been dealing with both tummy issues - upset, nausea - along with fatigue and fluid retention. She wanted more time to a) get stronger for the trip to Texas and b) spend at home with Natalie and...
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