“but we will all be changed” I Corinthians 15:51

New Life Leaf by Leaf

New Life: The leaves we lose will result in growth

Today’s leaves are tomorrow’s mulch. That realization, made on the cusp of Maggie’s joy-filled though brief remission in 2016, led to the title and meaning of our website Leaf by Leaf. I had been overwhelmed by all she and our family had lost to gain this victory. Were those losses just waste or would God redeem them for her good, our good, and His glory? Once again, today, through time-changed perspective, I look again to all we buried throughout her illness – sifting dirt to find the treasure of hope and new life. Our plan, to use this website to present her story – His Story through her life – was designed as a shared journey. What will it be without her?

My first impulse is to relinquish any claim to plans I might ever entertain. After all, they haven’t had a face to face with reality very often these past four years. What is burial but throwing dirt in the face of broken dreams one final time? But hope is stubborn. For I find even as grief just begins to stir in my soul, a new sprig erupts through tear-softened earth. What, exactly, is this growing? I can’t make it out clearly. Faith is famously hard to pin down for inspection. It begs to be trusted more than understood.

I do know, and still believe, nothing is wasted in God’s grace-driven economy. He takes all we release and eventually makes a mulchy mixture of dirt and death. A grave. The ground must swallow for hope to emerge. And it does. From the darkest soil, new life arises. Not only do our losses feed this growth, but we, the essential, scarred, damaged, tattered selves that we have become, are transformed in the shedding. (From About Leaf by Leaf).

So, He’s asked me to cast off more than I ever planned to lose. He mercifully took slowly what He knew I needed to give. Now Maggie has been transformed gloriously. We earthbound believers tend to think the most desirable miracles come in material form. What would have been better than to see her body healed? Think of the story that would have been. I always hoped and often thought that’s the story we would share.

With eternity and love in His heart, our Father performs His will in and through us. He gives us New Life. His greatest work is bringing life from death. The only plans that should remain after loss has stripped us bare are those that make us Christlike. Period. With that view, I’m rededicating Leaf by Leaf to the task of sharing the beauty we witness emerging from the grave of all we release. Leaf by leaf we are changed.


For the background on the name Leaf by Leaf, read here