This morning as we loaded the car for our trip to Batson, Maggie remembered to pack the neutrophils! Her counts had more than recovered enough to allow her admission for the third round of chemo since leaving the trial at MDA. It’s been one of the days when it all just “clicks” into place. We parked in the Garage B and made our way across the long concourse leading into the hospital accompanied part of the way by a UMMC parking attendant. Our conversation naturally started with weather in general and the heat in particular. We all agreed we had much more of the same to come for months since we’re barely into “real” summer months. (I know, but it’s true.) The friendly attendant voiced her opinion that God was using the heat (among other signs) to warn us to be ready for His return. “And I don’t think it’s gonna be very long,” she said with conviction. I added my “amen, come Lord” along with her. She continued, “I’m ready, too, because He says in my house are many mansions and I’ve got one just for me.” Maggie didn’t miss a beat and added, “With air-conditioning.” Are you ready?

Once we got the approval for admission, we moved into our favorite quiet corner room overlooking the construction zone for the new hospital addition. (We like having a bird’s eye view of progress.) We got word this afternoon that Maggie’s CEA (tumor marker) has shown a decline for the third successive test. Chemo is still doing its job! Speaking of chemo, her 48 hour infusion is in progress. We’ll finish sometime early Wednesday evening – yes, July 4th in the hospital. (We’re thankful Maggie did feel up to the July 4th party and fireworks at TBC last night). We’ll have to be a bit creative in what we celebrate this year. I think we might celebrate our freedom from the fear of cancer. As our friend this morning reminded us Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. John 14:1-3

As certain as the construction site beneath our window this moment, a mansion awaits those whom place their trust in Him. If we needed one more reminder today of His love for us, He sent this special promise.

The view from 3C as I write

The view from 3C as I write