Maggie finished her screening tests Friday morning, and we drove home to Hattiesburg for a long weekend. As I mentioned in the last post, the trial team was unable to schedule the initial biopsy until she passes all screening. Interventional radiology staff called during our drive yesterday to schedule a consult for Wednesday and the actual procedure for Thursday – which puts us returning to Houston this Tuesday and staying through Friday. We have been assured the procedure carries a low risk for complication. We’ve heard that one before – taking it with a big grain of salt. And praying we will be clear to return home Friday without trips to the ER or admissions to divert us. We’re flying to Houston this time to save some wear and tear on the car and these aging bodies. It really takes no more than three or four hours of straight driving to stiffen the legs and have us walking like Frankenstein. (Can I get a witness?) The future seems set, at least on our calendars: The week following the biopsy, Maggie will officially start the clinical trial with her first treatment. Houston will see us for five straight weeks. We’ve decided to travel home for most if not all weekends. We won’t need to rent an apartment. After the first month, Maggie will have visits for treatments/clinic visits every other week with only occasional scans/tests to push the requirements for staying beyond one day. We feel confident she will still be able to make the Orlando mission trip later in June (but we’re not letting down our guard to stop praying).

So what’s on tap for this weekend? A birthday. I suppose nineteen years ago this evening, I was making plans to enter Forrest General to be induced the next morning. Maggie was the perfect completion to our family – a sister for Molly, confirmation of Phil’s status as fully engaged “daughter” daddy, and fulfillment of my wish for a green-eyed little girl. We often call her Buttercup – a perfect summation of her sweet disposition, tender heart, and radiating smile. While her older sister wants to blaze her own trail, Maggie is more prone to follow an established path and make it her own through style and grace. At one time timid and unsure, she has blossomed, through soul-searing adversity, into a confident and engaging young lady. I’m continually in awe of her strength and resilience. I love you, Maggie. Happy Birthday. The picture I’ve posted was taken last week while celebrating two May birthday girls – my mom and Maggie. IMG_3494-min

Thank you for your continuing commitment to pray and encourage while traveling this difficult road by our side. We are forever indebted to the kindness of friends.